At Phoenix Global Green School, our program is prioritizing activities through Play and encouraging the children's interests and initiated activities to develop learning.
Our curriculum is providing a complete set of activities with a balance between Child directed & initiated and Teacher directed & challenging activities, in a variety of interests centers, i.e. blocks, dramatic play, science/discovery, arts, library/quiet area, gardening, baking, etc.
We are focusing in facilitating learning in all developmental areas: cognitive, language, physical and social/emotional.
We also believe that every child is different and each develops at his or her own particular pace and, in order to respond to their uniqueness, we are offering a low teacher-student ratio.
Our purpose is to provide Excellence in the quality of Education for your child to experience a unique, familial, safe, supporting and stimulating multilingual environment and to focus on an environmental education & literacy.
A Green Environment and Teaching
Global Green Teaching
While our administration uses 100% recycled paper, we are also using eco-friendly cleaning products and supplies.
Our school material as well as our Teaching curriculum are conscientiously planned and set up in a manner so that children can learn more about their environment and already reduce their footprint impact. We are always looking for second hands material and if not, mostly wooden made or Eco-friendly toys and games. We are reusing for example cardboard, two sides of paper, old socks or plastic bottles or egg boxes parents give us to build up projects.
During Ecology, Gardening and Sciences classes and simply by playing in the garden, we are learning how to plant seeds, to take care of them, what they need to grow, observing them growing, observing our Fruit trees, making jam with the peaches, using our lemons for making lemonades or part of our salad dressing and observing Wildlife. This is always priceless to see children picking-up a fruit they have found in the garden to bring it to our cook to prepare it for all of us at Lunch time! Teachers are always looking for projects to reuse rolls of toilet paper, left over of paper, or packaging to create Art!!
Being green at PGGS is not only about reusing & recycling, it's about creating and being simply part of our way of life.

Learning three languages in the same time AND English at a slight percentage
Our language program
With its Wildlife Habitat Certificate, Eco-friendly environment and teaching, Phoenix Global Green School is an Avant-Gardist Green & Multilingual Preschool offering a French immersion program as well as Spanish and Chinese/Mandarin classes for ALL its students.
Offering not less than three different languages (if not four as English, the forth & native language, is also used at a slight percentage) and considering our Food Program as part of the Education, we are also offering Drama, Dance, Music, Ecology, Sciences, Arts & Crafts, Social studies, Discovery of Food, Baking, History, Geography, Gardening, Piano and Guitar lessons... while our language teachers work on the same topics.
Our activities are performed by high qualified native & passionately involved artists/teachers continuously seeking for a balanced program following our children's needs, between Free Play and Guided activities.

Our Organic & Vegan Food Program
We are providing an unmatched healthy & daily prepared USDA Organic & Vegan Food Program with fresh fruit and vegetables mostly from our local Farmer's Market: kale, homemade bread, jams & soups, quinoa, fresh smoothies, coconut and rice milk, cranberries, a large variety of seeds, beans and lentils, sunflower seeds paste, tahini, berries, are among our amazing ingredients we are serving every day.
Our Menu, who is 99% Gluten free, changes on a weekly basis following Seasons, Holidays and yearly Topic.
For birthdays, children are baking their friends' Birthday cakes!
We have our own planting areas with Gardening areas and many Fruit Trees where our children can grow vegetables and pick up fruit...
Food and Ingredients are part of our Educational program and there are a lot of events, seasons and topic related Special Menus when children can participate.
Our students are gathering around our meals using real dishes and develop even more social skills and happy to be together feelings.

Chinese Tea Celebration, learning about tea leaves